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Humbertho yepez
Mr. umbertho yepez was born in Pereira Colombia makes 43 years aprosimadamente
I emigrate to this country, entered to work in the branch of the construction as
Albestor supervisor and hazardous materials in NY City in the
That I work as a volunteer in zone zero advising many workers
That directly worked in the wtc. On the importance of protection in such
Jobs, by the high levels of comtaminacion was distinguished in life by leading
Movements of workers who demanded justice in the wage payments.
With the different companies that I worked in the branch of ÁÍbesto in the city of
NYC has always been pending to claim for the rights of workers through
Of local 78, in NY he was a true friend of the apostolic council for
Companions and really the manager, flagged in the coercion of our organization
(HMWTC) inc in the year 2007 when I already started to rapidly
Diseases due to the high contamination content absorbed in the zero zone
This project was credited to the collaboration of (Orlando Ramires-Director)
(Rubiela Arias Volunteer Coordinator) (Jose Gaviria Volunteer Coordinator) what is today a pride of organization (non-profit) As workers in Zero Zone and in August 1-2007-our organization was founded on July 27, 2008 we participate in The parade of independence
Of colombia in NYC, already organized in the first mass movement in
Representation of] zone zero.
Mr. Humberto Yepez worked tirelessly from his sickbed to
Who died on September 17, 2008 at the Palisade Hospital.


DIRECTOR (Orlando ramires),Colaboradores (Rubiela Arias, Jóse Gaviria)



The Hazardous Maíerials Worker World Trade Center Relief Organuxttion, Inc.. oSie^. its 
members with the opponunity to access medical and economic resources. in an effort to 
help relieve the hardship they currently face as a direct result from d-ieir exposupe to 
hazardous materials while working at Ground Zero. 
Our members have been diagnosed with various types of sympioms suid illnesses, so(ne oí 
which are identified as an outcome of the exposure to hazardous contaminants ai dw 
Ground Zero debris site. Some of the confirmed illnesses and/or conditícuis irwlude: 
Extrinsic Asthma. Reflux Esophageal Dypnea, Sleep Apnea, ChTwiic Sinusitts, Hyperacrive 
Airways, Chronic Layringitis, Laringe Pharyngeal, Lumbar DiscongCTik SyndTww. 
MaxilÍary Ethmoid, Chronic Bronchitis, Pulmonary Nodule. Radieulopaih) Lupus. Othtfr


Humbertho yepez 
El señor umbertho yepez nació en Pereira Colombia hace aprosimadamente 43 años 
Emigro a este pais , ingreso a trabajar en la rama de la contruccion como 
supervisor albesto y materiales peligoros en la ciudad de NY en  los anos 84 en  el 
que trabajo como voluntario en la zona cero asesorando a muchos trabajadores 
Que directamente laboraron en el wtc. Sobre la importancia de protejercen en dichos 
trabajos , por los altos niveles de comtaminacion se distinguió en la vida por liderar 
Movimientos de obreros que reclamaban justicia en los pagos salariales. 
Con las diferentes compañias que laboro en la rama de aÍbesto en la ciudad de 
NYC siempre estuvo pendiente por reclamar por los derechos de los trabajadores atraves 
de la local 78,en NY fue un verdadero amigo del concejo apostomo para }os 
compañeros y realmente el gestor ,abanderado en la coacion de nuestra organizacion 
de (HMWTC) inc en el año 2007 cuando ya empeso a avansar rápidamente las 
enfermedades por los altos contenidos de contaminación absorvidos en la zona cero 
Este projecto se  creo  grasÍas a la colaboracioo de (Orlando ramires-director) 
  (Rubiela Arias Cordinadora voluntaria) (Jose Gaviria Cordinador voluntario) lo que es hoy un orgullo de organizacion (sin animo de lucro) Como trabajadores de la zona zero y en agosto 1-2007-se fundo nuestra organización en Julio 27 del 2008 participamos en el desfile de la indepeadencia 
de colombia en NYC,ya organizados en el primer movmiento de masas en 
representacion de ]a zona cero. 
El señor Humberto yepez trabajo incansablemente desde su lecho de enfermo hasta 
que el  17 de septiembre del 2008 falleció en el hospital palisade. 







Queremos escuchar sobre ti

¡Tus datos se enviaron con éxito!


Hazardous Materials Workers World Trade center Relief Organization. Inc



Oreanizational Backg-ound and Vision: 
The Hazardous Materials Workers World Trade Center Relief Orsanizatitw. lnc. is 
faithfully united with members from both New York and New Jersey, in an effort to seek 
support toward the immediate need for economic relief for our members, who were unjustly 
exposed to deadly contaminants while serving as clean up workws ai the Ground Zero 9/1 1 
debris site. 
Our organization was founded ¡n August. 2007. when the vision of one inan, who endured a 
rapidly developing terminal pulmonary illness caused by the effect of deadly exposure to 
hazardous contaminants at Ground Zero, became a reality. His name was Humbeno Yepei» 
Always geared toward fighting for the rights of city laborers, Mr. Yepez's experience. 
Included his leadership throughout many years to help establish Local Union 78 for 
workers' rights, and he was a true ftiend to all. With his suppon and leadership as w 
advisory to our members. Mr. Yepez became ihe picneer for the establishment of The 
Hazardous Materials Workers World Trarfe Center Relief Organization, Inc.. which was 
introduced on July 27, 2008 by our first public movement march in the Colombian Dav 
Parade, representing the fi^it for justice for those affected workeis of the Giound Zao 
debris site. 
Mr. Yepez left a legacy that will always deliver the message that we should never give up, 
and always continue to pursue the highest of our human rights, life. In recognition of ill) his 
effort and perseverance until the very end, Orlando Ramírez. Jair Calle. RtAíela Arias. José 
A. Gómez, José E. Gavina, and Alonso Muñoz. 


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